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Monthly Archives: May 2012

Friday 8.6 at 6pm at Old Arkadia: Concert by Töölönlahden Joutsenet

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are invited to a summer concert by Töölönlahden Joutsenet on Friday 8.6 at 6pm at Old Arkadia ( Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 9A) Minna Mannert (vocals) and Tero Dubrovin (piano) will play delightfully jazzy music! Welcome! Warm regards, Ian –Entrance is free and green tea will be offered. A donation of […]

Tuesday 5.6 at 5:30pm at Old Arkadia: Launch of ‘The Cheetah and other stories’ by Joel Holmberg

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are cordially invited to the launch of author Joel Arno Holmberg’s publication “The Cheetah and other stories” on Tuesday 5.6 at 5:30pm at Old Arkadia (Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 9A). The programme includes brief remarks by the author as well as two short performances from Holmberg’s other works by noted actresses Anna […]

Monday 4.6 at 6pm at Old Arkadia: ‘Seventh Floor Case’, a musical performance.

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are heartily invited to ‘Seventh Floor Case’ on Monday 4.6 a 6pm at Old Arkadia (Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 9A) ‘Seventh Floor Case’ is a musical performance by Kirstine Lindemann (flutes), Sonja Korkman (voice and percussions) and Carmelo Nesci (live electronics). Welcome! Warm regards, Ian -Entrance is free […]

Sunday 3.6 at 2pm-8pm: Opening of New Arkadia Bookshop

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are most heartily invited to the opening of the new premises of Arkadia International Bookshop on Sunday 3.6 from 2pm to 8pm! Rebecca Clamp has kindly accepted to perform at 6pm. It will be a momentous occasion! New Arkadia is at the corner of Dagmarinkatu (number 5) and Nervanderinkatu (number […]

Saturday 2.6 at 4pm: ‘Voices of autism and Asperger syndrome’, a talk on the autistic spectrum by Heta Pukki,

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are invited to ‘Voices of autism and Asperger syndrome’, a talk on the autistic spectrum by Heta Pukki, an educator and publisher in the field of Autism, on Saturday 2.6 at 4pm. She will present two books she has published: “Women from Another Planet: Our Lives in the Universe of […]

Friday 1.6 at 6pm: Russian Libertine with Ari Matikainen, Tomi Huttunen and Antti Rautiainen

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are invited to ‘Russian Libertine – A discussion on Russia’s current state and the writer’s status in society´ on Friday 1.6 at 6pm. The discussion will be based on the documentary Russian Libertine, by Ari Matikainen and about writer and dissident Victor Erofeyev. The talk will be led by Ari […]

Wednesday 30.5 at 6pm: Finnish song and poetry recital by Emilia Tuovila and Topi Patjas

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are invited to Lähteen tähdettä, -lauluja ja sanan virtaa, a Finnish song and poetry recital, by Emilia Tuovila (singer) and Topi Patjas (Guitarist) on Wednesday 30.5 at 6pm. Welcome! Warm regards, Ian –Entrance is free and green tea will be offered. A donation of €2 (or more!) to fund […]

Tuesday 29.5 at 6pm: Tango Argentino workshop held by Emma Leminen

Dear friend ofArkadia, You are most welcome to another two-hours’ workshop of Tango Argentino held by Emma Leminen on Tuesday 29.5 at 6pm! This is how it went was last time: The session is open to everyone of any skill level. Without prejudice of established dancing roles and away from the mainstream idea of […]