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Category Archives: Africa at Arkadia

Thursday 17.3 at 5:30 pm at Arkadia: “Janela Literária: um panorama da literatura afro-brasileira” presented by the Brazil-Finland Cultural Center

You are most welcome to visit us at / Arkadia International Bookshop and “like” us if you wish!Dear friend of Arkadia,You are invited to “Janela Literária: um panorama da literatura afro-brasileira” presented by the Brazil-Finland Cultural Center Thursday 17.3 at 5:30 pm at Arkadia (Nervanderinkatu 11) O Centro Cultural Brasil-Finlândia apresenta o projeto “Janela […]

Tuesday 23.9 at 6pm at Arkadia: The Ebola crisis presented and explained by Ferdinand Garoff

Please don’t hesitate to follow us on !Dear friend of Arkadia,You are invited to a presentation and discussion on the Ebola crisis with Ferdinand Garoff on Tuesday 23.9 at 6pm at Arkadia (Nervanderinkatu 11) Ferdinand Garoff was deployed by the Finnish Red Cross to Sierra Leone in June-July 2014 as Psychosocial delegate. In 2013-2014 […]

Thursday 6.2 at 6pm at Arkadia: ‘An approach to French-African literature and the construction of identity’ by Laura Gutierrez

 Please to visit us / Arkadia International Bookshop and “like” us if indeed you do!Dear friend of Arkadia,You are invited to ‘An approach to French-African literature and the construction of identity’ by Laura Gutierrez Thursday 6.2 at 6pm at Arkadia (Nervanderinkatu 11) Laura Gutierrez will offer an overview of French-African literature and focus her […]

Thursday 9.5 at 6pm at Arkadia: Screening of Speaking of home – the story of the Mount Elgon Ogiek and Helsinki by Somali Youth

You are very welcome to visit us / Arkadia International Bookshop and “like” us if indeed you do! Dear friend of Arkadia,You are invited by HAFF to the screening of Speaking of home – the story of the Mount Elgon Ogiek by Laura Meriläinen-Amaumo and Helsinki by Somali Youth by Akram Farah, Hassan Omar, […]

Wednesday 23.2 at 6pm: “Sierra Leone: Blood, Diamonds and Tears?” by photographer Natalia Baer

Invitation / Short selection of the Arkadia book collection (see at the bottom of the page) Dear friend of Arkadia, You are heartily invited to attend “Sierra Leone: Blood, Diamonds and Tears?” by photographer Natalia Baer on Wednesday 23.2 at 6pm. Natalia embarked on a two week journey across Sierra Leone after having been […]

Wednesday 27.10 at 6pm: Nykypäivän Mosambik: perinteet kohtaavat modernin maailman by Esa Salminen

  Dear Friend of Arkadia,    You are heartily invited to “Modernity Meets Traditions in Africa” by Esa Salminen on Wednesday 27.10 at 6pm. The talk centre on Esa Salminen’s new book Leposija Kilimakitos and its themes: Mozambique, Africa and development, the meeting of cultures and challenges for the future. The talk will be held […]

Wednesday 8.9 at 6pm: Unteni Afrikka – Akseli G:n matka by Jan Blomstedt

 Dear friend of Arkadia, You are most warmly welcome to the presentation of Unteni Afrikka – Akseli G:n matka (The Africa of My Dreams – Akseli G’s Journey), a new collection of stories by Jan Blomstedt on Wednesday 8.9 at 6pm. Jan Blomstedt will be interviewed by filmmaker-photographer-writer Rax Rinnekangas. The public is also heartily […]

Saturday 8.5 at 4pm: “The Drama of the Harkis: the Forgotten People of French History” by Dalila Akkal

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are heartily welcome to “The Drama of the Harkis: the Forgotten People of French History” a presentation by Dalila Akkal, a French neuroscientist of Algerian (Berber) descent, on Saturday 8.5 at 4pm. The short film ‘les Amendiers de L’Histoire’ (2004) by Jaco Bidermann et Valentin Lagard will be screened on […]