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Category Archives: Alternative Medecine at Arkadia

Wednesday 28.11 at 6pm at Old Arkadia: screening hosted by Simon Dannapfel of ‘The Sacred Science’ by Nicholas Polizzi

You are very welcome to visit us at: / Arkadia International Bookshop and “like” us if indeed you do!Dear friend of Arkadia,You are invited to the screening hosted by Simon Dannapfel of “The Sacred Science” by Nicholas Polizzi on Wednesday 28.11 at 6pm. The Sacred Science follows eight people from all different walks of […]

Wednesday 2.2 at 6pm: screening of Simply Raw by Morgan Spurlock

 Dear friend of Arkadia, You are most welcome to the screening of Simply Raw by Morgan Spurlock on Wednesday 2.2 at 6pm. This film showing will be hosted by Simon Dannapfel. The screening will be followed by a talk conducted in English. The documentary raises a number of questions, some controversial, and a discussion is […]

Cancer Testimony by Ingrit Vaher at Arkadia Wednesday 17.6 at 18:00

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are heartily invited to listen to Ingrit Vaher speak of her personal experience with cancer on Wednesday 17.6 at 18:00. Ingrit Vaher will describe her journey through that ordeal and explain how she was cured. The talk will be conducted in English but questions (and they are most welcome) will […]