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Category Archives: Conspiracy Theories at Arkadia

Tuesday 6.9 at 6pm: “on Sammansvärjning – om konspirationsteori och sanningssökande” (On Conspiracy Theory and Truth-seeking) by Mikael Böök

 Dear friend of Arkadia, You are invited to talk on Sammansvärjning – om konspirationsteori och sanningssökande” (On Conspiracy Theory and Truth-seeking) by Mikael Böök on Tuesday 6.9 at 6pm. Mikael Böök will present and open a discussion on his book. The event will be chaired by Olli Tammilehto. The book was published by Into Kustannus […]

Wednesday 4.5 at 6pm: “Conspiracy Theories” by Ernst Mecke

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are most welcome to “Conspiracy Theories” by Ernst Mecke on Wednesday 4.5. at 6 pm. Ernst Mecke is a zoologist who has for 50 years cultivated a private interest in psychology with a particular focus on political psychology. In his presentation he will analyze conspiracy theories and the fact that […]