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Category Archives: Graphic novels at Arkadia

Wednesday 23.10 at 5pm at Arkadia: Alita, a contemporay hero, by Eduardo Serradilla Sanchis

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are invited to Alita, a contemporary hero, by Eduardo Serradilla Sanchis on Wednesday 23.10 at 5pm at Arkadia (Nervanderinkatu 11)Eduardo Serradilla Sanchis will present Alita, a cybernetic being, and discuss her importance in the modern word. Welcome! Warm regards, Ian– Entrance is free but a donation of €3 (or more!) to […]

Saturday 19.11 at 10.30 am at Arkadia: Phantacom 2016 by MUÑECOS EN ACCIÓN with comic artists Maija Siira and Anne Muhonen

You are most welcome to visit us at / Arkadia International Bookshop and “like” us if indeed you do! Dear friend of Arkadia,You are invited to Phantacom 2016 by MUÑECOS EN ACCIÓN with comic artists Maija Siira and Anne Muhonen on Saturday 19.11 at 10.30 am at Arkadia (Nervanderinkatu 11) Phantacom will be held […]

Graphic storytelling at Arkadia on Wednesday 20.1 at 6pm

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are heartily invited to a lively talk on graphic storytelling organised by four young and gifted graphic artists on Wednesday 20.1 at 6pm. The talk will be in English but questions will also be answered in Finnish and Swedish. Welcome! Warm regards, Ian – Entrance is free and green […]