You are very welcome to visit us at: / Arkadia International Bookshop and “like” us if indeed you do!Dear friend of Arkadia,You are invited to “Brazil in a (coco)nut shell” by Daniel Guilarducci on Tuesday 27.11 at 6pm at Old Arkadia (Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 9A)Daniel Guilarducci has kindly accepted to offer us a light hearted […]
Category Archives: History at Arkadia
Friday 17.8 at 6pm at Old Arkadia: Discourses on Inequality: The Nineteenth-Century ‘Social Question’ in Retrospect by Tom Hopkins
Dear friend of Arkadia, You are heartily invited to Discourses on Inequality: The Nineteenth-Century ’Social Question’ in Retrospect by Tom Hopkins from the University of Helsinki on Friday 17.8 at 6pm at Old Arkadia ( Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 9).This talk focuses upon the transformations in European political and social theory occasioned by the socio-economic upheavals of […]
Tuesday 7.2 at 6pm: ‘Vikings or Crusaders: Scandinavians at war in the twelfth century’ by Philip Line
Dear friend of Arkadia, You are heartily invited to ‘Vikings or Crusaders: Scandinavians at war in the twelfth century’ by Philip Line on Tuesday 7.2 at 6pm. The talk will consider the Scandinavian culture of war in the twelfth century, particularly that of the elite (both in terms of how they thought and how they […]
Monday 9.5 at 6pm: “Salt Water and Sweet Champagne” by director Erik Saanila and producer Jan-Ole Nordlin
Dear friend of Arkadia, You are invited to “Salt Water and Sweet Champagne” by director Erik Saanila and producer Jan-Ole Nordlin on Monday 9.5 at 6pm. They will present and explain the makings of the FST5 weekly TV programme Vrakfeber. Vrakfeber is about the numerous shipwrecks in Baltic Sea, especially between Sweden and Finland. The […]
Wednesday 2.3 at 6pm: Töölö Agora with Professor Matti Klinge and MP Erkki Tuomioja: “Historinkirjoitus politiikanteon välineenä”
Invitation / Short selection of the Arkadia book collection (see at the bottom of the page) Dear friend of Arkadia, You are warmly invited to the first Töölö Agora debate at the bookshop this year: “Historinkirjoitus politiikanteon välineenä” with historian Matti Klinge and historian and MP Erkki Tuomioja on Wednesday 2.3 at 6pm. Both […]
Friday 22.10 at 6pm: “Sarvlax – a Manor in My Heart and Mind” by Alexandra Ramsay
Dear friend of Arkadia, You are warmly invited to “Sarvlax – a Manor in My Heart and Mind” by Alexandra Ramsay on Friday 22.10 at 6pm. Alexandra Ramsay is a teacher and a Doctor in Philosophy, she is one of the authors of a new book on Finnish cultural history entitled “Sarvlax”. The book […]
Saturday 8.5 at 4pm: “The Drama of the Harkis: the Forgotten People of French History” by Dalila Akkal
Dear friend of Arkadia, You are heartily welcome to “The Drama of the Harkis: the Forgotten People of French History” a presentation by Dalila Akkal, a French neuroscientist of Algerian (Berber) descent, on Saturday 8.5 at 4pm. The short film ‘les Amendiers de L’Histoire’ (2004) by Jaco Bidermann et Valentin Lagard will be screened on […]
Tuesday 16.2 at 6pm: Hyljättiin outouden vuoksi: Israel-Jakob Schur ja suomalainen tiedeyhteisö
Dear friend of Arkadia, You are warmly welcome to listen to a talk hosted by director Taru Mäkelä, Dr Simo Muir and Dr Ilona Salomaa relating to the academic destiny of Israel-Jakob Schur (1879–1949) on Tuesday, February 16th 2010 at 6pm. The talk deals with the rejection of Israel-Jakob Schur´s dissertation at the University of Helsinki […]