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Category Archives: Poland at Arkadia

Friday 23.5 at 6pm at Arkadia: Daydreams of paneuropanism – The Complete Mazurkas for Piano by Karol Szymanowski, Part 1, performed by Martin Malmgren

Please don’t hesitate to follow us on  and if you wish to!Dear friend of Arkadia,You are invited to ‘Daydreams of paneuropanism – The Complete Mazurkas for Piano by Karol Szymanowski (1882-1937), Part 1’ by Martin Malmgren on Friday 23.5 at 6pm at Arkadia (Nervanderinkatu 11)www.martinmalmgren.comOn two consecutive Fridays (Part 2 : Friday 30.5 […]

Wednesday 18.12 at 4pm: ‘The world of Karol Szymanowski, His life and works in words and music’ by Martin Malmgren, Emilia Karjunen, Elias Lassfolk, Julia Héeger and Annami Hylkilä.

Please to visit us at: / Arkadia International Bookshop and “like” us if indeed you do!Dear friend of Arkadia,You are invited to The world of Karol Szymanowski, His life and works in words and music’ by pianist Martin Malmgren, violinists Emilia Karjunen and Elias Lassfolk, and sopranos Julia Héeger and Annami Hylkilä on Wednesday […]

Monday 1.2 at 6pm:Kirjanjulkistustilaisuus: Stanislaw Jerzy Lecin ”Siistimättömiä mietelmiä”, puhujina Veikko Suvanto ja Martti Anhava

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are most warmly welcome to a book-launching on Monday 1.2 at 6pm: Stanisław Jerzy Lec’s “Siistimättömiä mietelmiä” with translator Veikko Suvanto and Martti Anhava. To celebrate the centenary of Lec’s birth last year, the publishing house Siltala brought out a new edition of the book, about twice as large, supplemented […]