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Category Archives: Travel at Arkadia

Tuesdays 18.10 and 25.10 at 6.45pm at Arkadia: New Finn-Brit Players production of Poetry & Jazz: Journeys

 You are most welcome to visit us at / Arkadia International Bookshop and “like” us if indeed you do! Dear friend of Arkadia,You are invited to a new Finn-Brit Players production of Poetry & Jazz: Journeys, on Tuesdays 18.10 and 25.10 at 6.45pm at Arkadia (Nervanderinkatu 11)See the full programme here: by Zoë […]

24.11 at 6pm: Bhutan – bruttokansanonnellisuuden maa by Erkki Lehtiranta

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are invited to ‘Bhutan – bruttokansanonnellisuuden maa’ by Erkki Lehtiranta on Thursday 24.11 at 6pm. FM Erkki Lehtiranta on kirjailija ja musiikintutkija, joka on vieraillut Bhutanissa kolme kertaa, viimeksi tänä syksynä. Hän on kirjoittanut mm. Bhutanista, Nepalista ja Tiibetistä uusimassa kirjassaan Tien päällä ja taivaan alla (Smiling Stars, 2011). The […]

Tuesday 10.5 at 6pm: “Xavier de Maistre’s Travels around His Room” by Kai Mikkonen

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are kindly invited to “Xavier de Maistre’s Travels around His Room” by Kai Mikkonen on Tuesday 10.5. at 6pm. Kai Mikkonen will lead the discussion on Xavier de Maistre’s parodic travel books Voyage autour de ma chambre (Voyage around my Room, 1794) and Expédition nocturne autour de ma chambre (Nocturnal […]

Friday 29.10 at 6pm: “The Grand Tour” by Gerald Steinmetz and Kristiina Närhi

Dear Friend of Arkadia, You are warmly welcome to a talk by Gerald Steinmetz and Kristiina Närhi. They will tell fascinating tales of the “Grand Tour” they recreated for Americans in the eighties on Friday 29.10 at 6pm. Warm regards, Ian – Entrance is free and green tea will be served. A donation of […]