Friday 5.5 at 6pm at Arkadia: Concert by Vildvin

You are most welcome to visit us at / Arkadia International Bookshop and “like” us if indeed you do!

Dear friend of Arkadia,

You are invited to a concert by Vildvin on Friday 5.5 at 6pm at Arkadia (Nervanderinkatu 11)

Vildvin is a Helsinki-based duo that was born in the midst of the Uppsala student life. The group plays minimalistic pop with influences from folk and blues. Their music is homage to the longing that arises after a party, to the brave hearts burnt by love.


Warm regards,


 Entrance is free but a donation of €3 (or more!) to fund the event is suggested and would be most welcome. If you have no loose change or coins we gladly accept payment via Visa Electron or Mastercard etc. !

Vildvin on Uppsalan opiskelijariennoissa syntynyt helsinkiläisduo. Minimalistiset mollisoinnut apunaan yhtye soittaa folk- ja blues-vaikutteista pop-musiikkia, joka ylistää juhlien jälkeistä koti-ikävää sekä rohkeita, rakkauden polttamia sydämiä.