Monday 23.1 at 6pm: Song recital by Talvikki & Kemppi
Dear friend of Arkadia,
You are heartily invited to a most inspiring song recital by Talvikki&Kemppi on Monday 23.1 at 6pm.!/events/328970867114560/
Talvikki Eerola (singer & pianist) and Antero Kemppi (guitarist) are two young talented artists who have worked in theatre and music with a variety of groups for a long time now.
Last summer they decided to write songs and compose music together. The result of their collaboration is wonderfully influenced by
jazz, bossa nova, classical music and ever so slightly melancholic storytelling.
Under no circumstances should the duo be missed in concert.
Warm regards,
–Entrance is free and green tea will be offered. A donation of €2 (or more!) to fund the event is suggested and would be most welcome.
Tervetuloa kuuntelemaan Talvikki & Kemppi -duon virallista ensimmäistä julkista esiintymistä pieneen viehättävään kirjakauppaan
Keikalla soitamme teille duon omia sävellyksiä, jotka ovat syntyneet syksyn aikana.
Kitara: Antero Kemppi
Piano ja laulu: Talvikki Eerola