Saturday 18.5 at 6pm at Arkadia: An electroscape concert / sound art performance by L. Alexis Emelianoff and Marianne Decoster-Taivalkoski /

You are very welcome to visit us / Arkadia International Bookshop and “like” us if indeed you do!

Dear friend of Arkadia,

You are invited to An electroscape concert / sound art performance by L. Alexis Emelianoff and Marianne Decoster-Taivalkoski on Saturday 18.5 at 6pm at Arkadia (Nervanderinkatu 11).

The audience will be invited to discover the acoustic qualities of the bookshop through mutually affective soundscapes.

“For this performance L.A. Emelianoff has created an instrument for realtime manipulation of sound generated by different permutations of electromagnetic energy: the fields themselves, interactions between magnetic devices, and vibrations created with these means. Our “ecology” is in the synthetic, urban environment, underwater, all around us, an approach that finds sonic form in environmental phenomena. We
want to create a rich inner experience for both the audience and ourselves by extending listening to those things that are barely perceptible or
audible.” L. Alexis Emelianoff and Marianne Decoster-Taivalkoski

You are all very welcome.

Warm regards,


-Entrance is free but a donation of €3 (or more!) to fund the event is suggested and would be most welcome.

L. Alexis Emelianoff is a sound artist based in Montréal, currently inventing and performing with unique acoustic and electronic musical instruments. She is moved by dissonance in music, structural vibration, the survival of the arts under oppressive conditions, and in her performances based on boiling water, the sounds of matter under stress. Using electricity as a medium, she explores field effects and the possibility of perceptual extension, what she calls ‘liminal audio’.She has performed at the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Zhou Brothers Center, and the Cultural Center in Chicago, at l’envers and Nuit Blanche in Montreal, and at the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT) at UC Berkeley; and has published in Leonardo Music Journal. Collaborators include Florian Grond, Adrian Freed, Sha Xin Wei, Marianne Decoster-Taivalkoski, Eric Leonardson, Marko Timlin, and Zohar Melinek.
Laura Emelianoff finished graduate studies at Concordia University in 2012 and has been involved with the Topological Media Lab since 2009.

Marianne Decoster-Taivalkoski (born in France in 1969), media & sound artist based in Helsinki, is currently lecturer in Media and Sonic Arts at the Centre for music and technology at Sibelius Academy, Helsinki. Her work includes motion sensitive
interactive sound installations and electroacoustic soundscape performances based on improvisation. Working with water sounds (live orrecorded) and the poetics of water and fluids has been a recurrent theme in her pieces. Her work has been presented in Helsinki, Stockholm, Linz, Italy, Mexico. As a member of the Aquatrio she has performed in Helsinki, Weimar, Ljublijana, and Venice. She graduated from the art and audiovisual studies at Paris I (1992) and from the Media Lab of the University of Art and Design Helsinki (2003).