‘Technocity’ by Jussi Seppänen at Arkadia until early September.

You are very welcome to visit us at:www.facebook.com / Arkadia International Bookshop and “like” us if indeed you do!

Dear friend of Arkadia,

You are invited to see ‘Technocity’ by Jussi Seppänen at Arkadia (Nervanderinkatu 11) until early September.


You are all most welcome.

Warm regards,


Entrance is free but a donation of €3 (or more!) to fund the event is suggested and would be most welcome.

Jussi Seppänen

I launched Technocity project couple years ago when I started working at Helsinki City Survey Division. My hobby are arts so I collect different materials for using them in my artistic projects. I have for instance hundreds of motherboards. I´ve always been fascinated by maps.

The crucial moment for a birth of this project was when I noticed the similarities between digital maps and the surfaces of motherboards. Then I began to figure out how to make a big Helsinki map from motherboards.

I told about my idea to my workmates and they gave me practical guidance how to realise my vision. It was very painstaking work and it took a whole year but I´ve learned a lot during it.

I´ve made Technocity in love of Helsinki but one can see it also as my frustration to PC. I´ve tried to sculpture the crude technique to beauty, to work of art. That was my ultimate goal.

I´ve presented Technocity earlier at Virka Gallery, at Library Kymppi, at the Glass palace, at Elisa Shop and at Laituri information and exhibition space.

Jussi Seppänen / gsm 041 466 3050 / email: jussi.seppanen@hel.fi