Tuesday 21.11. at 6 pm at Arkadia: Finnish rock art by professor Unto Laine
You are most welcome to visit us at www.facebook.com/ Arkadia International Bookshop and “like” us if indeed you do!
Dear friend of Arkadia,
You are invited to a talk on Finnish rock art by professor Unto Laine on Tuesday 21.11. at 6 pm at Arkadia (Nervanderinkatu 11).
The talk is organised in collaboration with the Finnish Arceoastronomical Society.
The talk is in Finnish.
Warm regards,
– A donation of €3 (or more!) to fund the bookshop is suggested and would be most welcome. Arkadia wouldn’t exist without this act of generosity. If you have no loose change or coins we gladly accept payment via Visa Electron or Mastercard etc. !
Professori (emeritus) Unto Laine kertoo kehittämästään uudesta kalliomaalausten tutkimusmetodista ja -tuloksista Astuvansalmen kalliomaalausten osalta. Lisäksi hän nostaa esille mahdollisuuden, että kalliomaalauksissa on kuvattu mm. revontulia.
Tilaisuuden järjestäjänä on Suomen Arkeoastronominen Seura (Finnish Arceoastronomical Society).