Wednesday 21.8 at 6pm at Arkadia: Icelandic writer Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl will introduce and discuss his novel Illska (Evil)

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Dear friend of Arkadia,

You are invited to a reading and discussion on the Icelandic novel Illska (Evil) by Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl on Wednesday 21.8 at 6pm at Arkadia (Nervanderinkatu 11).

The author will be interviewed by Finnish critic and writer Mathias Rosenlund.

Both the reading and the discussions will take place in English.

You are all most welcome.

Warm regards,


Entrance is free but a donation of €3 (or more!) to fund the event is suggested and would be most welcome.

Evil by Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl

The momentum of world history: Agnes Lukauskaite and Omar Arnarson meet early one piercing-cold Sunday morning in the taxi queue in the centre of Reykjavik. Three years later Omar burns their house to the ground, drives to Keflavik and abandons the country by plane. Yet the story begins long before then, in the summer of 1941, when half of the residents of the small Lithuanian town of Jurbarkas are slaughtered in the surrounding forest. Two of Agnes’ great-grandfathers were in the massacre – one shot the other – and three generations later Agnes has made the holocaust the centre point of her own life. Her obsession leads her to Arnor, a Neo-Nazi academic. Evil is about the holocaust and about love, about Iceland and Lithuania, about Agnes who loves Omar who loves Agnes who loves Arnor.

Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl (b. 1978) is an Icelandic writer and poet, and former resident of Helsinki and Oulu. For Evil he was awarded The Icelandic Literary Prize as well as The Icelandic Booksellers Award. Evil is forthcoming in 2014 in Swedish, German and French, from Rámus, Klett-Cotta and Editions Metailie respectively.

Mathias Rosenlund is a writer and book critic. He has studied literature and history at the University of Helsinki and has written reviews and essays for various publications. His book Kopparbergsvägen 20 will be published by Schildts & Söderströms in October 2013, in both the original Swedish and in a Finnish translation.