Tuesday 8.3 at 6 pm at Arkadia: Croquis and Animation night

You are most welcome to visit us at www.facebook.com / Arkadia International Bookshop and “like” us if you wish!

Dear friend of Arkadia,

You are invited to a Croquis and Animation night on Tuesday 8.3 at 6 pm at Arkadia (Nervanderinkatu 11)

It is open to all, no experience is required and the material is provided by the organizers!

The croquis drawings are quick and are made from a live model. It all begins with 4 minutes poses and end with 30 seconds ones. All the drawings are then collected and turned into animations!

The fee is €7 for the organizers + €3 for the bookshop, so in total €10 for the session.

Please register at www.croquisnights.com

Warm regards,
