Tuesday 9.11 at 6pm: Demokratiutveckling i krisområden introduced by Pekka Haavisto
Dear Friend of Arkadia,
You are heartily invited to “Advocating democracy in areas of conflict” on Tuesday 9.11 at 6pm.
It is the first in a series of geopolitical discussions hosted by Röda Rummet of the Left Alliance that will be held at the bookshop. The talk will take place two days after the General Elections in Burma.
Mr Pekka Haavisto, a current member of parliament for the Greens and the EU special representative for Darfur, will offer an introduction to the discussion that will focus on how to advocate democracy in areas of conflict or in countries under a non-democratic rule.
The discussion will be in Swedish. Questions may asked in English and Finnish.
You are all most welcome.
Warm regards,
– Entrance is free and green tea will be served. A donation of €2 (or more!) is suggested and would be very welcome.
Demokratiutveckling i krisområden
Vänsterförbundets svenskspråkiga lokalavdelning i Helsingfors Röda Rummet inleder tisdagen den 9 november en serie geopolitiska diskus-sioner med en diskussion om demokratiutveckling i krisområden. Utgående från det aktuella parlamentsvalet i Burma kommer De Grönas riksdagsledamot Pekka Haavisto, som internationellt bland annat arbetat på olika uppdrag för FN samt som EU:s specialsändebud i Darfur, att hålla en inledning kring temat. Diskussionen är öppen för alla och hålls i Arkadia International Bookshop (Norra Hesperiagatan 9) klockan 18.00-19.30.