Wednesday 11.11 at 7pm: Music trio Tikkanen/Andreae/Meier will perform at Arkadia!

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are heartily welcome to a fantastic musical evening at the bookshop on Wednesday 11.11 at 7pm. Tikkanen/Andreae/Meier will perform in Helsinki for the very first time! Formed as the result of a series of chance meetings across the globe and a shared love of improvised music the trio has kindly accepted to play at Arkadia. Their music is often described as leading the new and exciting wonky-melodic-folk-punk-jazz movement taking Europe (soon the world) by storm. This is history in the making. So, don’t hesitate, join us and bring all your friends! Warm regards, Ian – Entrance is free and green tea will be served. A donation (2€ or more!) is suggested and would be welcome. – You can also reach me via facebook. I have an address under my name “Ian Bourgeot”and I would gladly become your friend Band members: Sam Andreae (UK) – Saxes Originally from Manchester, Sam is currently exploring the cafe circuit here in Helsinki and enjoying it very much. Eero Tikkanen (Finland) – Bass The local boy of the band and the proud owner of a pair of hand-made ear-warmer headphones. David Meier (Switzerland) – Drums The mysterious traveller, David is half student half world-touring-superstar, luckily we booked him for this date in 1999. tikkanen-andreae-meier1