Wednesday 24.8 at 6pm: Tuoreiden teosten lämpimäisilta with Vilja-Tuulia Huotarinen and Riina Katajavuori

Dear friend of Arkadia, You are heartily invited to Tuoreiden teosten lämpimäisilta with writers and poets, Vilja-Tuulia Huotarinen and Riina Katajavuori on Wednesday 24.8 at 6pm.   This is the launch of their new books valoa valoa valoa (light light light) and Omakuvat (Self-portraits). Vilja-Tuulia and Riina will offer a reading of their works and be interviewed by writer Riikka Ala-Harja. The band Merry Ladies will entertain us with some songs. Tuoreiden teosten lämpimäisilta Vilja-Tuulia Huotarisen valoa valoa valoa on tarina nuorille, ja nuorille meissä. Riina Katajavuoren Omakuvat on runoteos, hybridi. Riikka Ala-Harja haastattelee. Mukana myös lauluyhtye Merry Ladies. All are most welcome! The talk will be in Finnish. Warm regards, Ian
Entrance is free and green tea will be offered. A donation of €2 (or more!) to fund the event is suggested and would be most welcome.
Vilja-Tuulia Huotarinen (born 1977) is a poet and editor of LUKUfiilis, a literary journal for young people published by Finnish Reading Centre. She has published three collections of poetry since 2004 and three novels for young people. Her book of poems, Naisen paikka, will be translated and published in Czech Republic this year.
  The heroines in Vilja-Tuulia Huotarinen’s collection, Iloisen lehmän runot (‘Happy cow poems’, 2009), are timeless creatures, mythical and archaic, and yet our contemporaries, living their lives alongside us (see Ruminations) Let the cows out on Monday and they’ll enter the forest, wander far aim for the waterfalls, the hole in the rock and down the precipice. The dead come back along our the road to our yard: Rebecca, Isolde, Rosamunda. Allison, Eulalia, Euphrosyne. Not as ghosts but as old friends. Whom will they, the wingless ones, protect here? A lean lass, a lean lass.
Riina Katajavuori
Riina Katajavuori (b. 1968) writes lyrical but precise prose about the everyday. She describes motherhood with its different dimensions touchingly, tangibly, and above all compassionately. Katajavuori’s poems have been translated into over twenty languages. She has also written a series of picture books.
  Praise: “ ‘Gifts’ is a modest, but ambitious novel about motherhood –– narrated with an original voice.” –
Helsingin Sanomat