Wednesday 22.4 at 6 pm at Arkadia: International Day of the Book and the Rose with Nylands litteraturförenin

Please don’t hesitate to join us at!

Dear friend of Arkadia,

You are invited by Nylands litteraturförening to celebrate the International Day of the Book and the Rose on Wednesday 22.4 at 6pm at Arkadia (Nervanderinkatu 11)

Sven Fernandez will recite texts and explain the meaning of the Day in Spanish and in Swedish. Members of NyLitt will offer glimpses of their various books in Swedish.

Roses will be handed out at the end of the evening!


Warm regards,


A donation of €3 (or more!) to fund the bookshop is suggested and would be most welcome. Arkadia wouldn’t exist without this act of generosity. If you have no loose change or coins we gladly accept payment via Visa Electron or Mastercard etc. !