Thursday 15.11 at 6pm at Old Arkadia: ‘Doctor Who? Science Fiction, War & Refugees’ with Silke Brandt / Arkadia International Bookshop

Dear friend of Arkadia,

You are invited to ‘Doctor Who? Science Fiction, War & Refugees’ with Silke Brandt on Thursday 15.11 at 6pm

Whereas Science Fiction literature has always dealt with serious political and social issues, films tend to be more entertaining, action-laden and playful.

But does this mean they’re also less thought provoking?
And are ‘real’ refugee films too much hard work to watch?
Can entertainment and insight go hand in hand?

These questions and others will be raised by Silke. The audience is strongly encouraged to join the discussion.

Silke Brandt is director of Helsinki Refugee Film Festival and DocPoint’s guest coordinator. She’s a published writer of speculative / erotic fiction and member of the Finnish Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association.


Warm regards,


Entrance is free and green tea will be offered. A donation of €2 (or more!) to fund the event is suggested and would be most welcome.

Helsinki Refugee Film Festival takes place 22. – 25.11.2012 and is organised by the Refugee Advice Centre. More info:

Venues: 22.11.2012 seminars at Old Arkadia, 23. – 25.11.2012 films at SES Auditorio, Kanavakatu 12, Katajanokka.